Friday, May 4, 2012

We're All Meteorologists

Just a quick thought today...

Isn't it funny how we all suddenly turn into meteorologists during racing season? We're constantly pulling up our favorite weather-related websites (I like on our phones and laptops, we're continuously flipping over to The Weather Channel, we're trying to guess which direction that green blog on the radar will head and what time it will get there.

It's amusing, yet it's serious.  We all do it and, at least for me, it seems like I'm wrong more times than I'm right.  In a way, I kinda like the challenge of trying to beat Mother Nature and get the show run as quickly as possibly.  I like to test my ability to "out fox" the radar and find a track that's able to get their race in.

It's fun, it's frustrating, it's exciting, and it's bothersome all wrapped up into one. But, hey, it's what we've come to expect this early in the season...right??

1 comment:

  1. Most weekends I have a 300-500 mile drive to get to the track one way. I start looking at the weather on
